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Effect API

Advanced Effect API

Loop decoder also exposes Effect API interfaces.

To get started with using the Decoder, first, you have to provide the RPC Provider and a ContractLoader Service.

  1. Create an RPC Provider
import { PublicClient, PublicClientObject } from '@3loop/transaction-decoder'
import { Effect } from 'effect'
const getPublicClient = (chainID: number): Effect.Effect<PublicClientObject, UnknownNetwork> => {
if (chainID === 1) {
return Effect.succeed({
client: createPublicClient({
transport: http(ETHEREUM_RPC),
return UnknownNetwork(chainID))
  1. Create the AbiStore

AbiStore serves as a repository for obtaining and caching the contract ABI necessary for decoding transaction data. In a real-world scenario, it may be preferable to retrieve this data from a database. In the following example, we will be hardcoding all the necessary information.

To create a new AbiStore service you will need to implement two methods set and get, optionally provide an getMany implementation.

const AbiStoreLive = Layer.succeed(
strategies: { default: [] },
set: () =>
Effect.sync(() => {
// NOTE: Ignore caching as we relay only on local abis
get: ({ address, signature, event }) =>
Effect.sync(() => {
const signatureAbiMap = {
'0x3593564c': 'execute(bytes,bytes[],uint256)',
'0x0902f1ac': 'getReserves()',
'0x36c78516': 'transferFrom(address,address,uint160,address) ',
'0x70a08231': 'balanceOf(address)',
'0x022c0d9f': 'swap(uint256,uint256,address,bytes)',
'0x2e1a7d4d': 'withdraw(uint256)',
const abi = signatureAbiMap[signature]
if (abi) {
return {
status: 'success',
result: {
type: 'func',
address: address,
abi: cached.abi,
chainID: chainID,
return {
stauts: 'empty',
resutl: null,
  1. Create the ContractMetaStore

Similarly to AbiStore, but returns all the contract meta data

export const MetaStoreLive = Layer.succeed(
strategies: { default: [] },
get: ({ address, chainID }) => Effect.sync(() => {
return {
address: request.address,
chainID: request.chainID,
contractName: 'Mock Contract',
contractAddress: request.address,
tokenSymbol: 'MOCK',
decimals: 18,
type: ContractType.ERC20,
set: () => Effect.sync(() => {
// NOTE: Ignore for now
  1. Create a context using the services we created above
const LoadersLayer = Layer.provideMerge(AbiStoreLive, MetaStoreLive)
const PublicClientLive = Layer.succeed(
PublicClient.of({ _tag: 'PublicClient', getPublicClient: getPublicClient }),
const MainLayer = Layer.provideMerge(PublicClientLive, LoadersLayer)
  1. Fetch and decode a transaction
const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const hash = '0xc0bd04d7e94542e58709f51879f64946ff4a744e1c37f5f920cea3d478e115d7'
const chainID = 1
return yield* decodeTransactionByHash(hash, chainID)
  1. Finally provide the context and run the program
const customRuntime = pipe(Layer.toRuntime(MainLayer), Effect.scoped, Effect.runSync)
const result = await program.pipe(Effect.provideSomeRuntime(customRuntime), Effect.runPromise)