Decoding Transaction with SQLite Data Store
Loop Decoder provides a built-in SQL Data Stores that can be used out of the box. The key benefits of using the built-in SQL stores are:
- You don’t need to write your own database schema,
methods for the Data Stores. - You will get enhanced performance for decoding transactions by caching the data in the persistent storage.
- You can use any database supported by
To use the built-in SQL stores you can import SqlAbiStore
and SqlContractMetaStore
from the @3loop/transaction-decoder/sql
In this example we will use a Sqlite client for bun: SqliteClient
from @effect/sql-sqlite-bun
The example implements a CLI that will use Sqlite
as a cache for the ABIs and Contract Metadata stores. It will decode any transaction by chain ID and transaction hash. The more its is used the more data will be cached in the database, thus making it faster to decode transactions.
You can add it directly into your project or create a new one.
mkdir transaction-decoder-cli && cd transaction-decoder-cli && bun init
Then install the necessary dependencies:
bun i viem effect @effect/sql @effect/sql-sqlite-bun @3loop/transaction-decoder
Setup Loop Decoder
Create a index.ts
file with the following content:
import { SqlAbiStore, SqlContractMetaStore } from '@3loop/transaction-decoder/sql'import { decodeTransactionByHash, ERC20RPCStrategyResolver, EtherscanV2StrategyResolver, FourByteStrategyResolver, NFTRPCStrategyResolver, PublicClient,} from '@3loop/transaction-decoder'import { SqliteClient } from '@effect/sql-sqlite-bun'import { Effect, Layer } from 'effect'import { createPublicClient, http, type Hex } from 'viem'
const AbiStoreLive = SqlAbiStore.make({ default: [ EtherscanV2StrategyResolver({ apikey: process.env.ETHERSCAN_API_KEY, }), FourByteStrategyResolver(), ],})
const SqlLive = SqliteClient.layer({ filename: 'db.sqlite',})
export const RPCProviderLive = Layer.succeed( PublicClient, PublicClient.of({ _tag: 'PublicClient', getPublicClient: (chainID: number) => { return Effect.succeed({ client: createPublicClient({ transport: http(process.env[`RPC_${chainID}`]), }), config: { traceAPI: 'none', }, }) }, }),)
const MetaStoreLive = Layer.unwrapEffect( Effect.gen(function* () { const service = yield* PublicClient
return SqlContractMetaStore.make({ default: [ERC20RPCStrategyResolver(service), NFTRPCStrategyResolver(service)], }) }),)const DataLayer = Layer.mergeAll(RPCProviderLive, SqlLive)const LoadersLayer = Layer.mergeAll(AbiStoreLive, MetaStoreLive)const MainLayer = Layer.provideMerge(LoadersLayer, DataLayer)
function main() { const [, , chainID, hash] = Bun.argv
const runnable = Effect.provide(decodeTransactionByHash(hash as Hex, Number(chainID)), MainLayer)
Effect.runPromise(runnable) .then(console.log) .catch((error: unknown) => { console.error('Decode error', JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)) return undefined })}
Run the script
Now you can run this script with bun:
ETHERSCAN_API_KEY='YOUR_API_KEY' RPC_1= bun run index.ts 1 0xc0bd04d7e94542e58709f51879f64946ff4a744e1c37f5f920cea3d478e115d7