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Data Store

Loop Decoder relies on two Data Stores - AbiStore and ContractMetadataStore. These stores are used for:

  • Retrieving and caching data
  • Fetching data from external sources using Data Loaders (when not available in the cache)

The Data Store can be customized to suit different needs. Here are some common use cases and implementations:

  • In-memory store: The simplest option, ideal for testing and development, available in Built-in Stores.
  • Persistent store: Ideal for production environment and when you work with a large number of contracts that you do not know in advance. The store can get and set data to any external database. SQL is available in Built-in Stores.
  • Static mapping: For applications that work with a fixed set of contracts, the store can get data from a hardcoded set of ABIs and metadata.
  • REST API client: For browser-based applications, enabling ABI and contract metadata retrieval from a server

A store also requires a set of strategies that we cover separately in the Data Loaders section.

Built-in Stores

Loop Decoder provides two stores that can be used out of the box:

1. In-memory stores (Vanilla JS API)

Located at @3loop/transaction-decoder/in-memory, ideal for testing and development purposes.

  • InMemoryAbiStore - caches the resolved ABI in memory
  • InMemoryContractMetaStore - caches the resolved contract metadata in memory

See the Getting Started guide for a detailed example.

2. SQL stores (Effect API)

Located at @3loop/transaction-decoder/sql, a persistent store that can be used in production for enhancing the performance of the decoder. While using this store, you do not need to write your own database schema, and get or set methods.

  • SqlAbiStore - caches the resolved ABI in any SQL database supported by @effect/sql
  • SqlContractMetaStore - caches the resolved contract metadata in any SQL database supported by @effect/sql

See the Decoding Transaction with SQLite Data Store guide.

Code examples

  1. Built-in In-memory stores (Vanilla JS API) - Quick start demo code
  2. Built-in SQL stores (Effect API) - Loop Decoder Web playground
  3. Custom In-memory stores (Vanilla JS API) - Farcaster on-chain alerts bot
  4. Custom SQL stores (Effect API) - Decoder API, ABI Store and Contract Metadata Store

Custom Data Stores (Effect API)

Implementation example

Custom SQL stores with Effect API - Decoder API, ABI Store and Contract Metadata Store


The full interface of ABI store is:

export interface AbiStore {
readonly strategies: Record<ChainOrDefault, readonly ContractAbiResolverStrategy[]>
readonly set: (key: AbiParams, value: ContractAbiResult) => Effect.Effect<void, never>
readonly get: (arg: AbiParams) => Effect.Effect<ContractAbiResult, never>
readonly getMany?: (arg: Array<AbiParams>) => Effect.Effect<Array<ContractAbiResult>, never>

ABI Store Interface requires 2 methods: set and get to store and retrieve the ABI of a contract. Optionally, you can provide a batch get method getMany for further optimization. Because our API supports ABI fragments, the get method will receive both the contract address and the fragment signature.

interface AbiParams {
chainID: number
address: string
event?: string | undefined // event signature
signature?: string | undefined // function signature

The set method will receive a key of the type AbiParams and and ContractAbiResult. You can choose to store the data in the best format that fits your database.

interface FunctionFragmentABI {
type: 'func'
abi: string
address: string
chainID: number
signature: string
interface EventFragmentABI {
type: 'event'
abi: string
address: string
chainID: number
event: string
interface AddressABI {
type: 'address'
abi: string
address: string
chainID: number
export type ContractABI = FunctionFragmentABI | EventFragmentABI | AddressABI
export interface ContractAbiSuccess {
status: 'success'
result: ContractABI
export interface ContractAbiNotFound {
status: 'not-found'
result: null
export interface ContractAbiEmpty {
status: 'empty'
result: null
export type ContractAbiResult = ContractAbiSuccess | ContractAbiNotFound | ContractAbiEmpty


The full interface of Contract Metadata Store is:

export interface ContractMetaStore {
readonly strategies: Record<ChainOrDefault, readonly ContractMetaResolverStrategy[]>
readonly set: (arg: ContractMetaParams, value: ContractMetaResult) => Effect.Effect<void, never>
readonly get: (arg: ContractMetaParams) => Effect.Effect<ContractMetaResult, never>
readonly getMany?: (arg: Array<ContractMetaParams>) => Effect.Effect<Array<ContractMetaResult>, never>

Similar to the ABI Store, the Contract Metadata Store Interface requires 2 methods set, get, and optionally getMany to store and retrieve the contract metadata.

The get method will receive the contract address and the chain ID as input.

interface ContractMetaParams {
address: string
chainID: number

And, the set method will be called with 2 pramaters, the key in the same format as the get method, and the metadata in a format of ContractMetaResult.

interface ContractMetaSuccess {
status: 'success'
result: ContractData
interface ContractMetaNotFound {
status: 'not-found'
result: null
interface ContractMetaEmpty {
status: 'empty'
result: null
export type ContractMetaResult = ContractMetaSuccess | ContractMetaNotFound | ContractMetaEmpty

Contract metadata is a map of the following interface:

export interface ContractData {
address: string
contractName: string
contractAddress: string
tokenSymbol: string
decimals?: number
type: ContractType
chainID: number

Stored Statuses

You can notice that the AbiStore and ContractMetadataStore interfaces are very similar, and both have a status for the set and get methods. Both stores can return three states:

  1. success - The requested data is found in the store.
  2. not-found - The requested data is found in the store, but is missing a value. This means that we have tried to resolve it from a third party, but it was missing there.
  3. empty - The requested data is not found in the store, which means that it has never been requested before.

We have two states that can return an empty result - not-found and empty. We want to be able to skip the Data Loader strategy in cases where we know it’s not available (not-found state), as this can significantly reduce the number of requests and improve performance.

It is possible that a not-found item will become available later in the future. Therefore, we encourage storing a timestamp and removing the not-found items to be able to check them again.

Custom Data Stores (Vanilla JS API)

Differences from Effect API

The Vanilla JS API for defining custom data stores differs from the Effect API in the following ways:

  • The get method is a JS async function (vs Effect TS generator function)
  • The set method is a JS async function (vs Effect TS generator function)
  • The getMany method is not supported

Everything else, including received and returned types, is the same as in the Effect API.

Implementation example

Custom In-memory stores with Vanilla JS API - Farcaster on-chain alerts bot.


The full interface of ABI store is:

export interface VanillaAbiStore {
strategies?: readonly ContractAbiResolverStrategy[]
get: (key: AbiParams) => Promise<ContractAbiResult>
set: (key: AbiParams, val: ContractAbiResult) => Promise<void>


The full interface of Contract Metadata Store is:

export interface VanillaContractMetaStore {
strategies?: readonly VanillaContractMetaStategy[]
get: (key: ContractMetaParams) => Promise<ContractMetaResult>
set: (key: ContractMetaParams, val: ContractMetaResult) => Promise<void>